Saturday, April 2, 2016

Semana Santa

2 Weeks left.
Semana Santa
I have had the opportunity of spending three Semana Santas (holy weeks) here in Guatemala, and each seems to have out done the previous. The first year we were brand new to country and I helped make an alfombra and saw the early morning procession with my first host family. The second year I was in Antigua again, I spent the days passing through the streets with friends, appreciating the grandeur of the churches, and although I tend not to be terribly religious in a general way and am not necessarily one board with the whole Sky Daddy business, there is something deeply moving about being in a crowd of people who believe with everything in them, feeling their energy. Seeing a float carried by swaying men, etched with sins; literally and metaphorically the tremendous weight of the them causing the men to cry out. Something about the space, and the night sky ablaze with fire as the procession passes, then finally the scene with Jesus being nailed to the cross passes by and in that moment, being a part of that mass of bodies I notice the tears falling, my tears, I could not explain why. I suppose the mob mentality gets me all emotional J. I think part of what made last year so special though, was feeling a part of that multitude, mixing with Guatemalans and tourists and finding some peace in understanding that I am part of neither group and yet both. This year, the final year, I find myself without the rest of my Bak’tun, site mates gone, and yet, it is the most connected I have felt. Perhaps it’s that I have been here so long and have found my place in this community, or maybe just that I have had deep conversations and kiddo cuddles every day, most likely it is a culmination of all the above.  Whatever the case may be, each day I find myself more grateful for these wonderful people I am blessed enough to call family.
Dani and Selvin have documented many of our activities from the week, please enjoy their photographic talents. 

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