Monday, September 22, 2014

The Puppy Post

Okay, after much delay, about a week, quiero presentarle a Amy! So this is my chucho puppy everyone. One day when I was walking home from a school this hot mess dirty cotton ball looking thing followed me home. She then sat in a colander and watched me wash my laundry in the pila for almost two hours, very content to just be laying in the sun and getting random lovins. That was two weeks ago. Here she is now, please note she has already commandeered the bed.
 Her name is Amy, short for amable (nice), my host brother named her saying that she is amable, so we should call her Amy for short, however I recently learned he has a crush on the girl who lives down the street, whose name, coincidentally (of course) is Amy. Oh young love. I prefer to call Amy “Pond” for obvious and awesome reasons. Other name variations: Smelly pond scum, Pond farts, and Flea because she was absolutely covered with them when she got here.
Okay, this whole post is going to be about the Smelly Pond Scum one, so if you don’t like hearing people gush about the really weird animals, it’s probably time to check out.
Likes: Sleeping when I am not, not sleeping when I am. Chasing other dogs far bigger than herself. Wearing banana peels as hats (well, I like making her do this one), and cuddling. She is actually, possibly the most cuddly puppy (excluding Chi burger)
Favorite foods: My socks, chicken, chicken poop, rocks, banana peels. Did I mention she is really, cute, jury is still out on the intelligence level.  

Also, this is what she first looked like when she followed me home:

When I was a kid we had this cat named Fubar, he had been hit by a car, had massive ear mites, fleas, everything. Pond kinda reminds me of him.

And two more just for funs
Meli is very cautious around Pond. Guatemalans don't really take to the whole dog as pet thing, especially kids, they are generally really fearful

listening to James Taylor getting a high five from Pond and a hug from Meli, this is the good life.


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