Tuesday, September 9, 2014

long time no see...

I have been absolutely horrible about updating my bloggy blog. In all honesty I think my lack of willingness to write was mostly because the month of August sucked a whole lot of ass. There is this thing called “The Volunteer Life Cycle” that Peace corps told us about it training. The VLC  charts how we are going to feel during certain times of our service(all the highs and lows yada, yada); I personally was pretty convinced it was all a crock (also, I really hate the idea of people telling me how I am going to feel). According to the chart the first night in site was allegedly one of the hardest nights of service. I, however, spent my first night getting to know an amazing group of people and gorging myself of peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches. To me that says anything but misery. Then we were warned the two month mark was supposed to be hard, that’s why they pull us out of site for IST. In reality two months in site was fine, being pulled out however, was not so great.Two months though, piece of cake. So then the sixth mark rolls around, this is to be one of our lowest slumps, but I am feeling pretty invincible. I’ve made friends, every child seems to know my name (for better or worse), I have set schedules, and routines, relationships, everything peace corps says that you need to feel happy. Then suddenly, August showed up. I hit the biggest brick wall I might have possibly ever hit. Maybe it was a (premature) mini mid-life crisis, I am not sure, all I know is all the backlogged “life should suck right now” came in one giant wave of shittiness (there has to be a better word for it than that, but suddenly, I can’t seem to find the perfect one, so shittiness will suffice).
Part of the problem was that our town was having their feria (town festival) which is theoretically a time for awesome having of funsies. However, in reality, it just meant that none of my schools had class, my schedule se fue, I had way too much free time on my hands, ran out of books, finished all the seasons of Dexter (oh muhgerd), was site-mate-less, and got dumped. I guess the last four have nothing at all to do with feria, but I prefer to have just one thing to blame, so I will overgeneralize. Oh, also, I almost forget, being so sick that I literally was ready to die. Almost 104 degree fever, vomiting everywhere (I  know how to party) and literally passing out in the hallway, scaring my poor host siblings half to death. They actually thought I had died, still not sure how I feel about that one. I also realized that my bathroom is literally too small for me to kneel in to throw up in the toilet, horrible timing to realize this. Blurgh.  In short, August was a giant bag of dicks. BUUUUTTTTT NOW IT’S OVER! September at long last, is here, and it is flying. I can’t believe that it is already the 9th. In only 3 short days my B’aktun will have been here for seven months. Insanity.
Since August and its depression have left my lovely site mate and I successfully had two trainees staying with us (we didn’t even accidentally forget to feed them or anything)! And we had our reading competition for the basico schools, and it went as smoothly as things could possibly go in Guatemala, uncommonly smooth, eerily so, even…Until we literally got kicked out at the end by tiny indigenous women with two table full of cake.  Also, the Guatemalan Independence Day is upon us, which means tons of school festivities and general merriment.  Towards the end of the last month I was in Pana for the day, and on the way back the camioneta rounded the corner and there was this breathtaking view of the lake, the sun’s reflection off of it was so absurdly picturesque, and it was a nice moment that I am having the experience of a life time, and in one of the most beautiful places in the world, how lucky I am to have this opportunity.
In other news My B’aktun has (successfully?) made plans to go to Livingston for Thanksgiving, and I might even get a chance to go up to Belize (definitely on the bucket list). A few weeks before that I have a GLOW (girls leading our world) camp scheduled and just a few short days before that I might have my first real life visit! Eep! Having things to look forward to really is a game changer, be it a letter, a person or plans.
Okay, I think that is a decent update…Oh, and I might have gotten a puppy today. A chucho (street dog) followed me home and  waited for me at the door when I left for classes and the kiddos are already attached. If it works out we have decided to call her “Amy” short for “amable.” Adorable.  Pictures to follow
P.S. thank you to all the wonderful people who helped me through what shall hence forth be the month that is not mentioned. I truly, truly appreciate you all so, very much.

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