Thursday, July 10, 2014

Photos from Guate

My host brother Selvin, age 8. He is kinda my best friend I think

Nariz de Indio, Solola

new favorite spot to read

adorable family

Meli did my hair like hers so we could be pretty.

Selvin wearing my specs. Adorable

Little boys at one of my shools

Pauola, she is pretty hardcore. 

one of his classmates took this one

They like their stage

She pulled her tooth out about 5 seconds before this was taken

and she is disgusted by that

These girls are my favorite

First host family! This reminds me of the Sopranos though

Antigua Easter Sunday

Another church in Antigua

We made easter eggs while Miguel ate them

Mother´s Day celebration, Xiprian

Rincon de Salud


Bienvenidos a Xiprian!

lovely boss lady, Skillz, CTA man Lic. and me, profession as always. 

still keeping it professional 

Attractiveness runs in the family

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