Saturday, March 29, 2014


Everyone tells us how quickly their service goes by; we are perpetually hearing the "before you know it you will be done with training", or "you will be a part of your community before you know it!". Up until last week I pretty much thought that was crap. Not that I didn't believe that was their experience, but I knew it wasn't mine currently. That was yestermonth. Time here is one of the most confusing things for me. As you all know, I am a very punctual person, I hate when people are late, I actually think one of the only things I hate more is being late. That has pretty much gone to hell here. There is this things called hora Chapina here (Chapina is the same as Guatemaltecan, just a person from Guate). Hora Chapina is basically like queer standard time, where people are perpetually late, actually it's pretty much rude to show up on time. This is *really* hard for me, I cannot seem to shake not being ruled by a clock. I am definitely a slave to my watch, to the clock, to the sun dial, anything that will tell me that I need to hurry up I obey. The day that I am late and my insides aren't churning with either fear of consequence of my tardiness or frustration I will know that I have made it.

Anyway, back to yestermonth. I swear I just got here, and yet I have been here for six weeks. I know how to navigate Antigua, I know how to barter, which is absolutely necessary here. I also know how to cut a pineapple with a machete now. There is no possible way I learned all this (completely arbitrary stuff that has no real reflection of time in anyway) in just six weeks, but apparently I did. Oh, there's also that whole learning a language thing, but that can actually be quantified, thus I can't possibly use it as a way to measure personal growth or knowledge gained.
Yestermonth I arrived in Guatemala. Yesterweek I did my first charla in Spanish and didn't even die. And before I know it, it will be tomorrowmonth I will be headed to my site.
I don't actually think I said anything in this post, but as it turns out trying to learn how to do things in another culture and in another language somehow means that I am not allowed to remember how to do things in English anymore. It's a rule...I think.  
But here are pictures of pretty or adorable things that will hopefully make up for my ramblings
adorable child from the school we visited yeterday

Look at the sign! It says "eradicate racial discrimination" so awesome!

this little girl is my hero.

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