Sunday, January 24, 2016


Happy belated holidays, everyone! I hope that everyone had a lovely holiday season, Christmas, Solstice, whatever belief or lack of belief you have, here is hoping that it brought an abundance of joy.
This year I had a wonderful visitor for Christmas. The second year running my dad came to visit me here in Guatemala and in the campo. My gratitude for this visit is insurmountable and overwhelming; it was also pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen.

There is something about worlds colliding that really makes experiences seem more tangible and completely unforgettable. I know that as long as I have the ability to remember things I will remember my dad holding my host sister on his lap playing some mad air guitar with ACDC rocking in the background (it was Christmas, what else would we be listening to?), Meli giggling and looking a little confused. The memories made from these trips are the memories that I will one day tell my children about their grandpa, thank goddess he came, otherwise I would have only been able to tell them about his weird laugh and our shared love of chocolate, women, and bacon. <3

While Faja was only here for nine days we were able to cram an obscene amount of things into those days. We traveled all over Guatemala from mid-country to the coast, met up with friends and family, ate an embarrassing quantity, and shared stories and bad jokes, really though, terrible jokes (something about a duck, bar, and nails).
I really can’t express how much this trip meant to me and who rejuvenating it was to see a loves one from the states.
Here are some really adorable pictures of our trouble making (please excuse all the selfies):

Waiting for the boat in Livingston

Rio Dulce


Castle, aka our new summer home

"What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"


Found this fork at the bottom of the ocean. I'm Ariel

See, Arial.

new friends



make it, make it snow

family picture


opening presents

ACDC on the guitar
Host mom lighting off her midnight firework

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