Thursday, March 12, 2015

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day
I live in a country that is still battling against femicide. A culture that still fights against the ideals bred into its youth during its 36 year long civil conflict.  One night I asked my host mom why it was so dangerous to be a woman here, especially an indigenous woman, she shared with me the (alleged) mantra of the leaders who slaughtered indigenous people in masses “la mujer da luz a tu enemigo” The women gives birth to your enemy.  Let that ruminate for a moment.

Note Reagan handing the military guy a giant gun. 'Murica

Guatemala as a whole celebrates International women’s day. They generally hand out small gifts, a pot holder, mug something super special and important, obviously. This is not an uncommon practice here, as it’s easier to appease the masses with meaningless gifts than rectify any injustice that has been brought down against them by the government. And here’s a secret, they have all been by a government, generally ours or theirs. So their silence is bought with dishware, with plates and cups that will go unfilled, because guess what, there is no money and the government is so corrupt and has been for so long that everyone knows it’s better to take your mug and quietly return to your family than speak out and disappear. 

But that really has little to do with women’s rights or value (or lack thereof) it’s just another wonderful example of the systemic oppression and institutionalized corruption. No big.
Here are some stats on women in Guatemala:

·         Women make up 51.2% of Guatemala’s population.
·         Only 44% of girls who finish elementary school go on to middle school.
·         Only 69% of Ladino women are literate, compared to 80% of Ladino men, this number drops drastically when race is factored in. Only 40-48% of indigenous women are literate.
·         Only 13% of Guatemala’s national congress is women.
·         Between the ages of 14-59 25% of women reported being domestically assaulter. Reported being the key word here.
·         On any given day two women are murdered in Guatemala (keep in mind the country is only as big as the state of Tennessee).
·         300 women are murdered a year, almost no effort is made to find their killers.
·         Between the years 2000-2012 7,000 Guatemalan women were murdered.
·         In my site over the past two months there have been three rapes. No one was surprised. No one even talked about.

So thank you Guatemalan women for existing and putting up with a system that could not have fewer ganas to protect you, and don’t forget your mug on your way home now because that is what you are worth in the eyes of your government. Oh, and hurry home now, for if you get raped and you were out after dark fue tú culpa. It was your fault.   

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