Thursday, June 26, 2014

Having stuff stolen sucks.

So last week when Colleen (my Lake Atitlan mate) and I went to kill a few hours in Panajachel before headed to Santa Lucia, we walked around with all of our stuff, looking like deranged tourists, sweating our lady balls off and enjoying the lake, I had literally never seen it so blue before. Sometimes it is so beautiful to look at it that it hurts a little. Anyway, we stopped in at our favorite coffee shop, met another American, and when we went to chat with her/introduce ourselves this bolo (drunk guy) stole my wallet. Ugh, not a great start to the trip, but luckily I have awesome and helpful people to give me a hand. Colleen loaned me some dollas and Peace corps did all the card cancellations etc. Unfortunately that means having next to no money this trip, which makes eating everything forever, until I feel like dying quite hard.  I suppose I will have to wait until the next trip. The point of this little blog entry is to say my shit was stolen and everything was fine, it’s great to have friends and a support network that can assist in shitty situations, so no worries! Also, I am choosing to think that Mr. Bolo-man needed the money more than I did. 

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