Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Rough Days

Some days are really hard, today is one of them. Tomorrow I will have left one month ago. I called home today and for the first time since I have been gone everything seemed normal, everything felt like it had, just without me. All my friends were preparing for the Walking Dead, Krystal was yelling at our brainless dog for being a spazz, it was like I was there, except that when the show was getting ready to start we hung up. They are watching zombies attack the remaining humans and I am sitting on my bed in a nearly empty room eating peanut butter with a spoon straight out of the jar and shoving fist fulls of Cheez-its in my mouth, because they sorta taste like home.
All this is in no way indicative of a greater unhappiness here, or a desire to go home, just of missing my awesome people. I have an incredible group in my Bak’tun 3 mates, but only knowing each other for a month makes it hard to be able to completely reach out and say I am having a rough day, or geez, I get really lonely around 20:00 because everyone has gone to bed and I haven’t slept alone for this long in years. I am sure we will all reach the point where we can share these things with each other, but until then I will continue eating my feels (I would consider killing someone for some chocolate chip cookies and popcorn right now).

1 comment:

  1. Bobbi love! I've finally caught up on your blog. I can't believe you asked for friendship! I loved that you told me we were friends haha. The views sound incredible, volcanoes terrify me even if the are 'inactive.' I don't buy it. :P Yay for festivals and family, though I'm sad you don't like the duck! Is he mean? Does he bite?

    The school conditions sadden me so much, that must be so hard to deal with. That's adorable that they wanted to share snacks with you though!

    I died laughing through that entire stream of consciousness at church post. Totally awesome and you. <3

    I'm thinking of making a pillow version of you to sit on the couch with us during Walking Dead. Too creepy? Never! <3<3<3 I will find a way to get cookies to you!

    You are missed so incredibly much. Thanks for this blog, it's like you're so close! All the love to you my dear!
