Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Problematic Patriotism

So I have never been remarkably patriotic. As a history major and all around nerd I am continuously amazed at the facts I obtain about the US and our involvment in well, things that we have no business being in.
Being in Guatemala has given me a plethora of new knowledge and a slew of reasons to not be patriotic, like this one:
Which details how the United States knowingly infected Guatemalan prisoners with STDS, including Gonorrhea and Syphilis.
                    "Some 1,300 people were infected with venereal disease, more than half of them                           with syphilis. They included inmates exposed to infected prostitutes brought into jails and                   male and female patients in a mental hospital. Some subjects had bacteria poured on                        scrapes made on their genitals, arms or faces.
                 The patients were given antibiotic penicillin to test its ability to cure or prevent syphilis,                   an infection that can cause genital sores and rashes and, if left untreated, damage                             internal organs and cause paralysis, blindness or death.
               In one example of archived records cited at the meeting, Dr. Cutler noted that one of the               mentally ill women he had infected with syphilis appeared to be dying. Still, the woman                      remained a study subject and was further infected with STDs before she developed                             grueling side effects and died.
                'They thought, 'we're in a war against disease and in war soldiers die'... Those who are                     on the cutting edge of the science are the ones that can easily fall,' said Wellesley College               professor Susan Reverby, whose research uncovered the records of the Guatemalan                         experiment."-Alina Selyukh
Dear USA, I get that this was in the 1940s and shit has changed (sort of) but seriously, what the hell. 

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