Tuesday, March 4, 2014


So most people here travel by buses called “camionetas” they are cheap and quick and go most everywhere.  Every time I board one of these refurbished school buses I consider saying a little prayer because, holy shit, it is quite a trip. I actually really love them; it’s like playing Russian roulette while being on a roller coaster. Funsies. Also, the driver’s somehow fit through the tiniest holes, it’s very HP bus style, but without the shrunken heads.Also, they somehow manage to cram about 150 people on these school buses.
Just to give a little more insight to my life here:

  • ·         I live in a tiny, little town, like in the US it wouldn’t even be considered a town, but here it has a church so we’re in bid’ness. I am not allowed to say precisely where I live on the interwebs because of PC paranoia, it seems pretty legit though.

  • ·         My host family is Catholic, YAY! Seriously everyone here is religious, and there is a huge rivalry between the Evangelic crazies and the Catholics, it reminds me of West Side Story, except the singing isn’t as good and it’s all about whose version of sky daddy is superior.  Lame.

  • ·         I live in a big house and have a mom, dad, twin brother dudes, (identical, lucky me, I have no idea which is which.) three other sibling people, but they’re adults and don’t really live here, and 2 nephew kiddos, Wilson, 6, and Miguel, 2. I really like living here, my family is remarkably nice and they feed me a ridiculous amount, so life is pretty good.
  • Also, I live with a duck thing called a pijije and I hate him.

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