Saturday, August 6, 2016


Greetings from Germany!

Oh wow, it has been quite a bit of time since I have written, so here are some recent events:
  • Left San Pedro to chill with host family for a week or so
  • On the way to leave host family, aka where I lived for 2+ years I was robbed/mugged, I am not sure what the correct term is, but some masked dude with a giant knife took my shit and made me bleed. Rude. In what took maybe 15 seconds to happen left me with no laptop, passport, glasses, books, sense of security...just a lot. Luckily for me I was actually on my way to meet up with the group of students when this happened. So much frustration. After getting checked out by a doc, cleaned up, filing a police report, etc. things felt slightly better* and it was time to make works happen
  • Passport application etc. The worst pain in the ass. 
  • Group 2!
  • Finish with group 2 (later on the same day, pick up passport)
  • Leave Guate
  • Fly in to NYC!! This was my first time in the Big Apple, and I will say that going from rural Guatemala to New Yotk City was quite the adjustment. Having said that, I had a fantastic time with Emily and even got to see one of my favorite people from my Peace Corps group. (I miss you Izzy Gizzi)
  • Tearful goodbye in NYC on my birfday then off to NORWAAAAY!
  • Norway airport 12 hours
  • Fly from Norway to Spain to get to Germany..because geography.
  • Spain to Germany, por fin! My amazing, wonderful friend picked me up from the airport and has been putting up with me since then. 
  • Drinking beer and eating. Loads of bread and chocolate <3
Next I am headed off to Belgium for a few weeks then France I am on my way

Pictures on the way (it's a pain in the butt without a computer.

Loves to you all!

*Still working on the feeling better part, I had so many amazing kick ass people being super, super supportive, thank you so much to each one of you, your checkins and kind words mean so much more than I could say

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