Sunday, January 18, 2015


“What is Thanksgiving”-Almost every Guatemalan I informed I was leaving for a holiday.
Soooo Thanksgiving isn’t a thing here, which makes sense given that they would have been the indigenous people who died from disease after being raped and pillaged (I have not had nearly enough posts that start in such a wonderful way).  This year most of my fellow Healthy School volunteers of my group took a trip to Livingston/Rio Dulce to the coast of Guatemala. It was amazing. I love being with my Guatemalan family, and the friends I have made here, but sometimes it is nice just to say something and not need to explain, or to be yourself a little bit more. We also got to swim in the Caribbean Ocean, which was a first, and it was awesome! We also experience some very…interesting adventures. Walks through the jungle, cave jumping, bed bugs, taranchies (tarantulas) you know, the normal Thanksgiving stuff. 
For me Thanksgiving was the first time in a long time that I felt nostalgic for Bloomington, or dare I say it…Indiana. I found myself recalling previous years of misfit toy holidays, friendsgivings, and everything shared and learned along the way. To all of my friends back home in Bloomington, or more broadly, in the states, I miss you guys, and gave a silent wish of happiness to each of you that day, I am sorry if we have lost touch, and I would love to hear from you all. <3

Rio Dulce, Guatemala

Fince Tatin, where we stayed during Thsnksgiving

Fancy Sauna

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